Policies (Minesing Minor Ball)

Cancelled Registrations
  • All requests for refunds must be received in writing.
  • If you cancel your registration prior to March 31st your fee will be refunded for the registration amount less a 25% administration charge.
  • If you cancel your registration after April 1st a refund will NOT be provided.
Special requests
  • Minesing Minor Ball tries to honour requests made to play with specific players but we do not guarantee that all requests can be met.
  • If a request is unable to be met and you decide to cancel your registration the normal cancellation rules will apply.
  • Minesing Minor Ball does not supply players with batting helmets. Players are expected to provide their own helmets.
  • All provided equipment is the property of Minesing Minor Ball and as such it is expected that players will treat our equipment appropriately. Willful damage or destruction of this equipment will not be tolerated and may result in a player being charged for the replacement of the equipment and possible removal from Minesing Minor Ball.
  • Minesing Minor Ball does not supply baseball pants as part of the uniform. Players are expected to wear grey baseball pants as part of the uniform.
Code of Conduct
  • All players within Minesing Minor Ball are expected to follow the Code of Conduct.  Breaches of this code are taken seriously and will be dealt with accordingly. Your signature on the registration indicates your agreement with the Code of Conduct.
  • In addition to Minesing's Code of Conduct players in the GBMSL are also expected to follow the league's Code of Conduct.