FAQs (Minesing Minor Ball)

When is registration?
Registration generally takes place in February - March each year. Registration dates are usually decided early in January. Keep checking the site for details of the registration.
Do you offer on-line registration?
We offer online only registration through our registration and payment platform.
What is covered in the registration fees?
As part of your registration fee each player will receive a hat and jersey to keep and a digital picture package. Players in U6 and U9 will also receive a trophy. 

Your registration fees are used towards, league fees, tournament fees, equipment, umpires, etc. 

We are a not-for-profit organization so any fees are directed back into the association for the benefit of the players.
When does the season run?
The season generally starts in May with games starting around the May long weekend. 

The season usually runs until mid to late August depending on how long a team is in the playoffs.
What equipment is required?
Players are required to have a glove and batting helmet w/mask. Cleats are recommended but not required. Players must wear closed toe shoes.  Shoes such as Crocs, Sandals, Flip flop are not allowed on the field.

Players should also have grey baseball pants as part of the uniform as pants are not provided.
How often are games/practices?
Games are once a week throughout the season with the exception of possible rain out reschedules. 

Additionally, practices are generally held once a week (on a different night) as well based on what works best for each team.
What nights are games?
U6 games are Wednesday nights @ 6:30pm. 
U9 games are Monday nights @ 6:45pm. 
U11 games are Tuesday nights @ 6:45pm. 
U13 games are Wednesday nights @ 6:45pm. 
U15 games are Thursday nights @ 6:45pm. 
U17 games are Monday nights @ 6:45pm. 
U21 games are Tuesday nights @ 8:45pm.
I am interested in coaching. What do I need to do and what are the requirements?
We are always looking for people interested in helping to coach our teams. 

If you are interested be sure to check the box on the registration form. Once team numbers are known after registration you may be contacted to be offered a coaching position. 

NOTE: Checking the box does NOT guarantee that you will coach a team. 

We do not require formal certification to coach our teams. The only requirement is that every coach have a criminal reference check run and filed with Minesing Minor Ball.
How far do teams travel for games?
U6 and Local U9 teams play all of their games in Minesing. 

The GBMSL U9 team(s) and U11 and higher play their games in the Georgian Bay Minor Softball League (GBMSL) and will travel to local communities. All games are in the north half of Simcoe County. The furthest communities from Minesing are Toanche, Port McNicoll, Victoria Harbour and Coldwater. 

Seasons generally consist of approximately 10 games so travel would be required for generally 5 of those games. Where multiple Minesing teams are in a division the travel will be reduced further as some away games would be in Minesing against the other team(s).
We are unable to make a game/practice what should I do?
If you cannot make a scheduled game or practice be sure to notify your coach as early as possible. 

Early notification for games allows the coach time to call up players from lower divisions if needed.
My child is interested in umpiring what do I need to do?
We are always looking for kids to assist with umpiring games. If your child is interested you can contact [email protected]

All umpires are paid for umpiring games and training/certification is paid for by Minesing Minor Ball.
When will we know our tournament dates?
Tournament dates are set by the league at the year end meeting of each season. This means that tournament dates are known well in advance of the season start so please plan appropriately so that your team isn't shorthanded. 
We are away for our tournament. What should we do?
Ensure that you make your coach aware as early as possible so that the coach can make arrangements. Every team has the ability to 'call up' players from the lower level team.